
Jomboy Media Has a New Home

All the same great content, plus new stuff, in a new place

We’re extremely pumped to announce something big: The launch of Jomboy Media on Substack!

Why have we made the jump? Simple. It’s all about bringing our community even closer together, and offering more ways to connect with us directly. Think of it like all the fun we have at our live events, but all the time.

Paid subscribers will gain immediate access to members-only chats and comments, where our creators will be hanging out. It’s a space that’s 100% free of Reply Guys and trolls — a spot to genuinely engage with us and fellow JM community members 24/7. We will also have members-only exclusive content, starting with some long-lost eps of Watchin’ Baggage, and a permanent discount in our merch shop.

And don’t worry: Nothing about how you currently consume JM content is changing. You can still catch us on YouTube, podcast platforms, social feeds — all the usual spots. Adding Substack into the fold unlocks some additional content possibilities, like a space for written pieces — new stories, breakdowns, and insights from the whole team.

For those of you who were on our email list already, welcome, and thanks for supporting us. You're now a free member on the Jomboy Substack, and you can upgrade to a paid membership if you want, but no pressure at all. You can manage your free subscription on our website or within the Substack app.

If you would like to support us with a paid membership, we’re offering discounted introductory pricing. And the price you sign up for stays locked in forever. As we continue to grow, paid subscriptions provide crucial support to help us create more of the content you love. We can’t wait to build this new chapter with you.

If you’re new to Jomboy Media, the sports media company founded by Jimmy “Jomboy” O’Brien and his best friend Jake, read more about us here:

About Jomboy Media

And please tell your friends that Jimmy and Jake finally have a website.


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